Academic Success in the Digital University
January - May 2021
As part of the class I302, Academic Success in the Digital University, I developed a portfolio website to showcase my projects, both from this class and others and my extracurriciular experiences.
I learned how to edit HTML and CSS, and used Mozilla Thimble to customize an HTML template and make it my own. I then learned how to host my new HTML website with Github Pages, and how to maintain it going forward.
I also completed the following projects - read about them below.
Research Project
This is my research proposal over "The Impact of COVID-19-Induced Remote Work on Families". I learned how COVID-19 impacts different family members in different ways, for better and for worse. I gained skills related to using library resources for academic research, summarizing and evaluating information, and citing sources in APA format.
Group Project
This is my group project: a wiki over topics related to technology, job/work environments, and COVID-19. Through working with my teammates and hearing about their research projects, I learned about the many ways that COVID-19 impacted work environments and jobs beyond my own research topic. A skill I learned was flexibility: not all of my teammates were quick to respond during the project, so it was important for me keep myself on track and be prepared at a moment's notice if something were to change. Another skill I learned was how to bring together great amounts of semi-related research (i.e., every group member had unique research related to the main topic) into a cohesive wiki format.
Reflection Project
This is a reflection of my experiences in the I 302 course. I discuss my beginning goals, things I learned, things I wished I'd learned, and the most valuable skill I learned.